Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New Place New Wants

If you didn't guess it already, I'm in a new place , A new country actually, I'M IN LONDON XD !!
Harry potter ~Tintin~Sherlock Holmes~ the works^^
And seen being in this country I found out that people here are VERY into Manga anime and COSPLAY XD
BUT!!! before I list down what I WANT I kinda need to know WHERE to get them T^T
so if anyone knows a great place to go shopping in London PLEASE !!!! feel free to share~~
I'm looking for:

  1.  trinkets (unique ones) as gifts for family and friends, I'm tired of those shops with unoriginal designs like "I LOVE LONDON" (eve though this is true) one wants to get a trinket that is so... TACKY 
  2. A place that sells Laptop coolers T^T 
  3. And anywhere that sells really nice clothes that aren't expensive and aren't on Oxford street =.= I don't want to spend sooooo much >< 
Oh but if you know somewhere that I should and MUST go here tell me ~~